Discover how my brother's 10-year struggle with his darkness led to an exhibition in Berlin.
How the 8 worst things ever said to me formed the base for my first real big work. On Valentine's Day.
Ceiling ornaments with characters. You see new things if you look up more often.
Cycle at the right pace to allow the records to play properly. Mix your favorite music, while cruisin' though town.
How two old projects became the face of a new project about the many faces of creativity.
Why are scarves always straight? I stacked my favorite things that make me warm like Julie Andrews and designed a new kind of scarf.
How discovering a new material spawned a whole new line of things that brighten up the walls around you.
How a broken arm caused by a dull accident led to an expo at Dutch Design Week, and a better story.
I transformed a container by making the largest puzzle in Amsterdam out of wood, with the bonus of a peek into my head, er, studio.
A little reminder that you shouldn't let the bad weather outside influence your good ideas.
A finger-licking candy experience where you are the sculptor; sculpting a chunk of candy with your mouth.
If Elon is right and we move to Mars, what will our pets look like?
(here's my hope)
Discover how we made a working gold leaf periscope for McKinsey Amsterdam.
I was, literally, working on my blind spots. I painted them so dark, it's hard to photograph..
I make the art, you tear it up.
An ode to where I live.
What my brain would look like if you could walk around it.
Made from recycled Christmas Trees.